Tuesday, March 3, 2009

happily ever after

oh man where to start.

KR Steppers is like a cinderella story to me, complete with evil step-families (the non believers), fairy godmothers (our coaches), happily ever afters (a bunch of trophies in cheerobics) and giant pumpkins (wanlin) ...eh no just kidding about the last one.

a group of people with a superhuman amount of dedication formed this bunch. i wonder what was going thru our minds when we decided to follow thru, especially those who stayed till the end (and especially the one who STILL is in the squad).

i guess i should keep this short first, at least we'll have more to write about on this blog later.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

first cent...

Though I've never been the comm, the captain, or any legally established appointments in steppers, i feeeeeel so much for this squad. Fuzzy memories of step asking me if i wanted to help her dig this shithole.. god knows what came over me and there i was, there i came, and there i conquered... the shithole..

Monday, February 23, 2009

Humble Beginners

There was a time when people said that _____ wouldn't make it.

Doesn't that strike a familiar chord with you?
The familiar story of the underdog.
All too cliche to be true.
It happens only in the movies.
Or so they say.
Does a smile creep up on you? Does your pride swell just a little?
To know you've tasted a forbidden dream?
How much do you hunger for it once again?

So here's a guestbook of sorts.
Or a shoutout to the uncaring world when you need a reason to believe in yourself.

A pool of our memories that may very well outlive us.

Here's to humble beginnings.
Here's to the courage to dream.
Here's to team spirit that conquers doubt.
Here's to trust.
Here's to the comforting safety of mats.
Here's to humble beginnings - because we learn who we can become.


Wow that sounded rather fancy motivational talk-ish.
The truth is... I need a large dose of that Hollerback Girl abxcercise.
Because. I have become a lump of fat! Thats what I've REALLY become.